
Cool in its essence, eternal in its environmental sustainability: terracotta, the material that brings its precious properties to the table

May 03, 2024 · · One minute read
A natural material with great virtues and many nuances: with terracotta, the rough beauty of elegant unique design pieces is shaped, but it also models our way of respecting and enhancing the environment that hosts us.

The oldest of misunderstandings: the subtle difference between terracotta and ceramics


Before reviewing the unique characteristics of terracotta – a word so recognizable that it has become international – a disclaimer is necessary to dispel a common doubt to many: is it or is it not synonymous with ceramics?

Without getting too technical, here is the answer: no. The two materials are not interchangeable. And this for a very simple reason, that terracotta is just one of the existing types of ceramics. This extended family includes all terracottas, stonewares, and porcelains.

In summary: terracotta is a ceramic, while ceramic is not (exclusively) terracotta.

And the clay (or loam, if you prefer)? It is the ceramic material – any of those mentioned above – in its plastic state, i.e., in its moldable form before firing.

What does all this mean? That, with the necessary distinctions, there remains a minimal common denominator: the natural origin, and the non-polluting end of life, of each of these resources.

A trait that exponentially increases its value, in the context of a material design and, above all, a truly circular one.

About Terracotta

 Three adjectives above all: porous, durable, insulating.

Indeed: it has a high capacity to absorb (and release) water and also allows good air transpiration (becoming an excellent ally for hosting or watering plants).

And the coloring? Terracotta is a compound of minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, silicon, copper, and iron. Depending on the predominance of this or that mineral in its processing, it can take on different colors, ranging from white to yellow, red, gray, blue, beige, pink shades.

As a "mineral compound", it is excluded from any possible polluting derivation. Terracotta is, not coincidentally, a perfect material to reduce its impact on the environment: both as producers and as final users.

Once fired, it becomes solid and durable: incredible, indeed, when you think about its malleability during processing. The compactness and impermeability make it extremely difficult to scratch.

And here we come to its ability to be a thermal and acoustic insulator: a 100% natural temperature maintainer and a perfect tool for building.

From this porous and soothing material, design objects and furniture accessories such as diffusers, pots, lamps, and accessories for indoor gardening take shape. And in light of all these characteristics, it becomes even more understandable why it was chosen.

Fresco: The Constant Temperature of a Permanent Material in Nature


It was recently said that terracotta has unexpected insulating qualities.

At Oway and at Artigiano, the creative and manufacturing workshop that completes and summarizes the virtuous approach of our Agricosmetica®, it is one of the materials we prefer.

Not only do we appreciate and value its natural origin, but we make an effort to recover it according to an upcycling process. This is the approach that guides all our artisanal manufacturing, as it aims to make natural raw materials into "second materials": resources that, once consumed, do not cease to exist and come back into circulation with a new and superior importance (and, why not, a new use).

Precisely from the valorization of terracotta and its unsurpassable properties, Fresco is born. A thermal container designed by Oway and handcrafted within the walls of Artigiano. A design object thought to embellish the table and accompany summer evenings with a touch of timeless elegance, suitable for any type of context and setting.

Naturally insulating, Fresco has the ability to maintain a constant temperature and is therefore ideal for preserving the freshness of bottles.